MAPSSS reaction to latest developments

MAPSSS welcomes the postponement of the opening of schools by a week and the approach to have a staggered entry to school

MAPSSS reaction to latest developments2020-09-25T12:38:22+02:00

Stqarrija ta’ MAPSSS dwar il-Coronavirus

Read Press Release in English MAPSSS (L-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija tal-Ġenituri ta’ Studenti fl-Iskejjel tal-Istat) appellat lill-ġenituri, lill-għalliema u lill-management teams tal-iskejjel sabiex josservaw

Stqarrija ta’ MAPSSS dwar il-Coronavirus2020-02-28T13:23:35+02:00
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