Short-Term Solutions are still leaving some children behind
MAPSSS welcomes the suspension of directives ordered by MUT which will see several primary students, who have not had a class
MAPSSS welcomes the suspension of directives ordered by MUT which will see several primary students, who have not had a class
With over 80% of the whole population now fully vaccinated and with the easing of measures in various sectors, the Maltese Association
Any change to the compulsory school age would require a broad consultation with all the stakeholders, including the students themselves, educators,
Click here to view the Press Release in English. MAPSSS tesprimi t-tħassib ta’ bosta ġenituri li jattendu fl-Iskejjel tal-Istat. Dan jitratta oqsma
Biex taqra l-istqarrija bil-Malti, agħfas hawn. MAPSSS would like to express various concerns of parents of students attending State Schools. These span
The Maltese Association for Parents of State School Students (MAPSSS) joins the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) in
MAPSSS welcomes the postponement of the opening of schools by a week and the approach to have a staggered entry to school
Click here to view this Press Release in English. Quddiem rata rekord ta’ każijiet ta’ Covid19 qatt reġistrata f’24 siegħa, u evidenza
Agħfas hawn biex taqra din l-Istqarrija bil-Malti. In view of a record number of COVID-19 cases registered overnight, and clear evidence that
Read Press Release in English MAPSSS (L-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija tal-Ġenituri ta’ Studenti fl-Iskejjel tal-Istat) appellat lill-ġenituri, lill-għalliema u lill-management teams tal-iskejjel sabiex josservaw