School Council Elections in all State Schools will be held in January/February 2021. The results of these elections will determine the composition of the School Council for the period between January 2021 and December 2022. School Councils in Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools are made up of a President, the Head of School who is the secretary/treasurer, three parents and three educators. Both parents and educators are elected, the former by parents/guardians of students and the latter by the school’s educators.
The role of these Councils is not limited to fundraising and similar activities. School Councils have to:
- administer the School Council funds
- discuss ways and means to increase parental involvement
- discuss the curriculum and the educational services offered by the school
- make suggestions to the Directorates of Education
- discuss the school amenities and environment and propose ways to improve them
- discuss any problems related to the students’ well-being.
Parents are encouraged to use their right to contest and to vote in the forthcoming School Council Elections. You can submit your nomination here.
Important Dates:
11th January 2021 – Opening of Nominations
17th January 2021 – Closure of Nominations
1st February – 6th February 2021: Voting online at