It-tfal għandhom dritt għall-edukazzjoni u ma għandhom qatt jintużaw bħala pedina
Click here to view the Press Release in English. MAPSSS tesprimi t-tħassib ta’ bosta ġenituri li jattendu fl-Iskejjel tal-Istat. Dan
Children have a right to education and should never be used as pawns
Biex taqra l-istqarrija bil-Malti, agħfas hawn. MAPSSS would like to express various concerns of parents of students attending State Schools.
Covid-19 Guidelines for Christmas Period in Schools
Following the guidance sought from the Health Authorities with regards to the Christmas festive period in these particular circumstances,
SEC Examinations 2021 Information Meetings
MATSEC is organising a number of webinars for prospective 2021 candidates sitting for SEC examinations in 2021, and their parents/
MEDE should not create a situation that puts vulnerable children in a disadvantageous position
The Maltese Association for Parents of State School Students (MAPSSS) joins the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability
MAPSSS reaction to latest developments
MAPSSS welcomes the postponement of the opening of schools by a week and the approach to have a staggered entry
Jeħtieġ tiġi mrażżna l-imxija tal-COVID qabel jiftħu l-iskejjel
Click here to view this Press Release in English. Quddiem rata rekord ta’ każijiet ta’ Covid19 qatt reġistrata f’24 siegħa,
Action is necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19 before schools open
Agħfas hawn biex taqra din l-Istqarrija bil-Malti. In view of a record number of COVID-19 cases registered overnight, and clear
Breakfast Club Applications 2020-2021 are open
Through a Government Scheme, the Primary State Schools offer a Breakfast Club Service. This is available for primary students