Following the guidance sought from the Health Authorities with regards to the Christmas festive period in these particular circumstances, it is to be noted that the organisation of Christmas activities in schools has to be different from the ones we had in the past due to the current circumstances related to Covid-19 pandemic. This is being done for the safety of all the children and school employees.
Everyone needs to remain vigilant and continue observing all the measures introduced by the Ministry for Education in schools. All measures are to be observed consistently by everyone at all times.
In this regard, any initiatives considered by schools for this festive season need to be carefully considered so that they do not increase the risk factor in our schools. We aim for this in order to keep our school community and families safe.
As per guidelines issued by the Health Authorities all activities and initiatives shall follow the protocols followed every day in our schools:
- No Christmas parties or concerts are to be held
- It is important to maintain an adequate physical distance from one another
- Emphasis on the correct wearing of masks;
- No mixing of bubbles;
- Frequent hand washing or hand sanitisation using a correct technique;
- Only individual food packs brought by the students themselves are to be allowed with no sharing of food; and
- Non-personal items are to be left in quarantine before
In addition any decorations have to be kept to a minimum and hung where they cannot be touched in common areas such as corridors.
The true Christmas spirit can still be instilled and taught to our students cautiously without increasing the risk factor.