How does continuous assessment work?
Teachers record the mark of their students’ work at the end of a learning period, having done similar tasks in class. Teacher
Teachers record the mark of their students’ work at the end of a learning period, having done similar tasks in class. Teacher
In cases where teachers will be using an assessment criteria/rubric to mark a class task, students should be informed about the criteria/rubric,
Whenever teachers assign classwork, students work at different levels. Students with learning difficulties are usually supported by the teacher or LSE. This
The assessment mark (out of 100) will be reported to parents, in the same way as in previous years. Parents of students
There will be no change in the End-of-Primary Benchmark in May 2019. The annual report of Year 6 students will consist of
When students are sick/away from class on the day that class assessment marks are collected, the students should not be assigned a