Circular issued by the Directorate of Educational Service. Agħfas hawn biex taqra ċ-ċirkulari bil-Malti
Similarly, to other influenza seasons, we are now in the peak of influenza with many cases of influenzas apart from common colds.
In order to minimize the spread of respiratory infections, children should be kept at home if they are sick and have a fever or flu-like symptoms. The best way to protect oneself from getting ill with respiratory viruses is to:
- Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, and if not available, use alcohol-based hand disinfectant;
- Cover your mouth when coughing with a tissue, or sleeves;
- Cover your nose when sneezing with a tissue, or sleeves;
- Dispose of used tissues immediately;
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth before washing your hands;
- Avoid contact with people who are sick.
As for all infectious diseases, all children/students and staff who are sick should be sent home and should remain at home until symptoms resolve and follow family doctor’s instructions.
As you are aware from the media, a novel new respiratory virus has been discovered which originated in China, the Novel Coronavirus. This new virus is spreading in China where there is human to human transmission. Several countries have cases which in the majority are imported cases from China whereby persons who were exposed to the virus in China and developed symptoms later. At present, there have been no confirmed cases in Malta. The Public Health authorities are carrying out all the necessary measures to detect any possible cases as early as possible so cases will be contained.
If you require further information on this virus, you can access the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Unit (IDCU) within the Superintendence of Public Health, Ministry for Health website on:
In the current situation, the risk of ongoing transmission of Novel Coronavirus is only in China and hence the risk of exposure is if a person was in China or had exposure to a case. If your child has visited China within the past 14 days, contact the IDCU on Tel. no 21324086.
We encourage parents/legal custodians to follow basic prevention measures, refrain from sending sick children to school throughout the scholastic year to avoid the spread of infectious disease and to allay any fear by seeking the advice of reputable sources of information.
Ċirkolari mid-Direttorat għas-Servizzi Edukattivi
Bħalissa ninsabu f’wieħed mill-istaġuni meta l-influwenza hija fl-aqwa tagħha, b’ħafna każijiet t’influwenza barra każijiet ta’ rjiħat komuni.
Biex jitnaqqas it-tixrid t’infezzjonijiet respiratorji, tfal morda, b’temperatura għolja u b’sintomi tal-influwenza għandhom jinżammu d-dar. Sadanittant, l-aħjar mod kif wieħed jista’ jipproteġi lilu nnifsu milli jimrad b’virus respiratorju huwa billi:
- Jaħsel idejh bis-sapun u jdum jagħmel dan għal madwar 20 sekonda u jekk ilma u sapun ma jkunux disponibbli, juża diżinfettant tal-idejn b’bażi alkoħolika;
- Jgħatti ħalqu b’tissue jew bil-komma meta jisgħol;
- Jgħatti mnieħru b’tissue jew bil-komma meta jagħtas;
- Jarmi tissues użati immedjatament;
- Jevita li jmiss għajnejh, imnieħru u ħalqu qabel jaħsel idejh;
- Jevita li jkun f’kuntatt ma’ nies li huma morda.
Bħalma jintalab dejjem għal mard li jittieħed, tfal/studenti jew impjegati li huma morda, dawn għandhom jintbagħtu d-dar u jibqgħu d-dar sakemm is-sintomi jitilqu u għandhom isegwu istruzzjonijiet tat-tabib tal- familja.
Kif kulħadd jaf permezz tal-midja, ġie skopert virus respiratorju ġdid li oriġina fiċ-Ċina, in-Novel Coronavirus. Dan il-virus ġdid qiegħed jinfirex fiċ-Ċina fejn hemm kuntatt bejn bniedem u ieħor. Diversi pajjiżi għandhom każijiet li fil-maġġorparti huma każijiet impurtati miċ-Ċina ta’ persuni li kienu esposti għall-virus fiċ-Ċina u żviluppaw is-sintomi aktar tard. Fil-preżent għad m’hemm l-ebda każ ikkonfermat f’Malta. L-awtoritajiet tas- Saħħa Pubblika qegħdin jieħdu l-miżuri kollha neċessarji biex jindividwaw minn kmieni kemm jista’ jkun każijiet biex hekk jinżammu taħt kontroll.
Jekk wieħed jeħtieġ aktar informazzjoni dwar dan il-virus, wieħed jista’ jaċċessa l-Unit għall-Prevenzjoni u l- Kontroll ta’ Mard li Jittieħed (IDCU) fi ħdan is-Supretendenza tas-Saħħa Pubblika fil-Ministeru tas-Saħħa fuq is-sit:
Kif inhi s-sitwazzjoni bħalissa, ir-riskju ta’ trasmissjoni kontinwa tan-Novel Coronavirus huwa biss fiċ-Ċina u għalhekk ir-riskju huwa jekk persuna kienet iċ-Ċina jew kienet esposta għal każ. Jekk it-tifla/tifel tiegħek żar iċ-Ċina f’dawn l-aħħar 14-il ġurnata, ikkuntatja lill-IDCU fuq in-numru tat-telefon 21324086.
Ninkoraġġixxu wkoll lilkom il-ġenituri/gwardjani legali biex matul is-sena skolastika kollha ssegwu miżuri bażiċi ta’ prevenzjoni, ieqfu milli tibagħtu l-iskola lil uliedkom morda biex tevitaw it-tixrid ta’ mard li jittieħed u biex tneħħu kull biża’ billi tfittxu l-parir minn sorsi t’informazzjoni ta’ fuq min joqgħod fuqhom.